Wow I have been busy,...
I have been working in my older sons school and that is super fun. I am on the fundraising committee and I am the box tops for education coordinator. I extreme coupon and now that life is back to my new normal I am hitting the stores for deals! The holiday season is upon us and I have been out and about, Tonight in fact is the Great night for a Skate night for our older sons school, that is a fundraiser that I coordinate! I have a very very nice stroller that I won in a giveaway from
Viva Veltoro but my baby hates to be stuck in his car seat for longer periods of time... LOL He hates it sometimes upon entry! Last week when he got a vaccination he was very very upset, he would not let me put him down also unlike my older son who was happy with anyone to cuddle him Baby Ray has a preference for Mommy most of the time, So what is an active breastfeeding Mom on the Go to do? Babywearing!
I read an article on a blog called African babies dont cry and in this blog post I discovered the secrets of babywearing, I read Mayim Bialik's Beyond the Sling last week and she also talks about babywearing and its many benefits to the baby, and the mother. You can see that globally most indigenous women wear their young infants and it is no wonder because it just seems natural!
I have 2 baby carriers One is a Wrapsody water water wrap that I received from the BumbleDoo Store and one Is a Hot Sling that I got from Out numbered 3 to 1 both are black
I have NOT got the hang (LOL HANG) of the wrap yet but the Sling is awesome. Its simple, take baby out of carseat put him in the pocket and go! Here is a list of things I have done in the past week while wearing Raylan in the Sling...
Cooking dinner ( NOTE while wearing baby be extra careful when cooking baby can get burned if you are not cautious)
Eating a hot dinner with my family (no kidding every time I eat Ray wants to eat and since we EBF this has been a challenge for me)
MAking flyers for distributing at Sam's School
Distributing the Flyers to 50 class rooms
Couponing, which is a lot of computer list making and a lot of shuffling through news paper and clipping
BLogging (doing that now )
Eating lunch
entering giveaways
Browsing the library
Grocery shopping
making up Diaper packages for Clients of the Foundation
Giving a tutorial of Cloth diapers to a couple that stopped in to pick up some diapers for their soon to be born baby
DIAPER LAUNDRY INCLUDING hand washing diaper laundry!
Grocery shopping while breastfeeding (no one batted an eyelash at me! talk about #Multitasking)
Helping dish ice cream out at Sams class Party!
Tonight I will be running the ticket booth at the skate party
Visiting the skate party patrons
and Twitter parting
My back doesn't hurt, my baby isn't crying all the time, My Milk supply has increased and
I can go about my business mostly hands free with out having to stop and check on baby every few minutes or saying "its ok Momm'y over here" loudly from the kitchen.
