Monday, November 11, 2013

Circumcision and Cloth diapers... a Touchy Subject

Circumcision is a topic of serious and dire debate and not only in the Cloth diapering community.
Most boys Globally are no longer circumcised as standard procedure, many regard it as a unnecessary cosmetic procedure and barbaric. However many boys are still Circumcised  everyday for a variety of reasons including malformation of the foreskin and other medically necessary reasons and a percentage of those boys, Including baby Raylan, are Cloth diapered. The aftercare of the procedure site is covered in petroleum jelly and every cloth diapering parent knows that Petroleum and Cloth are not compatible.

So What the heck are Cloth diapering parents to do with their Childs bum in the days following a procedure like this??? Well Lets explore the options.

1 My son is 6 weeks old, he was circumcised last Monday. I have no wish to discuss why our child was circumcised to protect his future privacy This is meant to help parents of children who need to care for a procedure area after the fact. I respect and applaud those of you with Intact boys and rest assured our decision was not made for athletic reasons in fact I prefer the natural look of the uncut male body . Please do not send me articles and comments about NOT circumcising for whatever reason. This is for help not judgment.

2 I have only purchased One Package of disposable diapers, I put them on baby at night (he is very sensitive to wetness and wakes up every time he is even slightly damp)

3 Vaseline is used on the circumcised penis, it keeps the open area protected during the healing of the skin.  IT CAN COAT CLOTH DIAPERS AND CAUSE REPELLING ITS BAD BAD BAD FOR CLOTH DIAPERS!

My sons doctor told me to put Vaseline and gauze on the area
I decided to use disposables the first day after but I couldn't see buying disposables for days of throw away diapering, so here is what I did.

I used mostly flats to minimize the petroleum exposure and to be able to boil if needed
We received dry disposable wipes from the hospital, these are made by pampers I think, I cut them into liners, viva paper towels also make good liners for this.
I also have taken the precaution to put a small amount of Dawn, on any area I think may have had petrolium on it.

I also put the hottest water I can in with my diapers to break up any possible residue.

I am hoping that we will not have any issues with our diapers now that the area is healed up I have heard people using make up sponges cotton balls and other things to cover the area, I would love to hear your ideas. I think the paper towel liners are a good idea and if you want to use disposables during this time its not a bad plan

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