Several months ago when I was just starting with the cloth diapers, I stated that I hated cloth wipes. Well that was before, before the scary articles on the junk in disposable wipes, before I tried some DIY formulas for wipe solution and most importantly, before I tried Premium Washies by Babykicks for hemp wipes, as well as several other kinds of wipes! It was also before we started Baby Ray on Solid foods, You Live you Learn and then you switch to cloth wipes!
Let me start by saying I really wanted to like Cloth wipes to start with. I just couldn't figure it out I guess. I knew I didn't like the smell of the sposie wipes and then all the article about the terrible stuff in them, a preservative called methylisothiazolinone, started and I got freaked and I began trying different stuff.
I used wipe cubes and wet the wipes as I went along and did NOT like them at all. The wipes were not wet enough and the little cubes were online ordered and expensive for me to buy. I then tried something simple. 6-8 oz of water a squirt of soap and a squirt of lotion shake shake shake! Then I pour the mixture in the wipe container over 10 or so wipes this really helped a lot but the wipes that I was using were not my or my husbands favorite option.

My son started Solids last week and that doo doo immediately became more than the sposie wipes I have can handle, however Cloth wipes are thicker and softer than spoise wipes, but substantial enough to take care of this new thicker first foods stage poo. The BabyKicks Premium washies are made in a mitt design for easy baby washing and poo free wipings!
Thirsties wipes and the Baby washcloths are best for on the go (great when accordion folded, pre-moistened and put in a popup wipe container too) I think a great idea for those of you who need something fast or super cheap, cutting up some Tshirts or flannel and stitching them together, I just zig zag stitched around the edges. There is always the baby washcloths wipes to go.(I wet mine and put them in an empty sposie wipe travel case) that way if baby poops on the go, Like mine did yesterday you can take care of it quickly with one wipe! I have some sposie wipes sill and because of that preservative they will probably keep for a while,good thing bacause I dont think I will use them for my baby, maybe I can use them to dust with...ha ha ha !
Premium Washie being used for bathtime, no booty wiping photos were taken for this
Jessica Long
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