My Child can now Crawl! I love this mile stone in our lives, my oldest never really crawled he dragged him self along for a week or so then moved right into walking. I though baby Ray would skip it because he has been deploying strategic rolling maneuvers for about a month, but he slowly is starting to crawl and romp around the house wreaking havoc on the appliances and cats! Boy oh boy, I have been having a heck of a time with his hook and loop diapers catching on the carpet and toys and I even have been having some issues with his front snap pockets. I didnt know what the heck to do! Then I got this lovely Premium pocket diaper from BabyKicks to review! I already knew how awesome BabyKicks premium pockets were (after all I have had a couple since baby was really little) and I love me some Organic hemp! I am just shocked at how much better the side snaps fit Ray and how esily he can move around in them. I have been using BabyKicks inserts and Hemparoo blankets as flats and using the Side snapping pocket as a cover and an AI2, I love the fact that the diaper is so versatile and comes with a fleece stay dry liner!
Ray is currently on the second setting so the tabs over lap creating extra leak protection for my little mover and great coverage for a tummy sleeper!
I took Ray to the skating rink, dressed in Babykicks Premium pocket side snapping diaper with flats the week of the flats challenge and was not worried about leaking at all!
I am very happy to have a side snapping diaper on my little guy the air gussets
let him move freely and he couldn't be happier in that beautiful True Red!
All of Baby Kicks diapers have side snaps and are available for purchase on their site
I was given the diaper shown to review all opinions are my own
I will be so happy to use our regular pockets and AIOs again... I feel like singing "Let it Go!"
Here I am looking awesome because I am tired and have a cold. I am nursing the baby in this video and that's whats up! Suffice it to say I am glad to have participated but glad its over too!
Bottom line, if I needed to I would hand wash but using the washer is a better option even if I had to pay a $1 every few days and hang them to dry . I think this has turned me off flats for a while (because i miss my pretty diapers) and I will have to check but I think I used more water handwashing.If I didnt have a washer or if the power was out, I would hand wash at home. It wasnt hard to do. I will do it again. I will continue to say "please try flats they are easy to use and wash."
` Both of my kids are sick today so I
have No video on this, Day 6 of the challenge. I do however have a
brief list of pros and cons, and reasons I do and do not think that hand washing are a good choice for low income families.
First let me start by saying my family
is single income, low income. We have made sacrifices for me to stay
home with baby because I believe my children need me at home, it is
best for our family. We financially qualify for many assistance
programs including The Rebecca Foundation Cloth Diaper Closet which
operates at 0 cost to its clients. We don't participate in all these
programs but we do qualify. We used our tax return to get a top load
Amana washer and when we had baby, a friend gave me diapers, I got
diapers on free-cycle and I have won about 25 diapers in giveaways. I
actually had to buy flat diapers to try them and have not purchased
many diapers besides those, and I usually hand wash once a week while
I have the pockets and AIO diapers in the washer, I like everything
to be clean for the weekend!
Taking my financial and diaper
situations, into account I can honestly say that I dont think
HANDWASHING flats is a legitimate option for families in my
situation. Our washer uses by far less water than I have used this
week and I wash twice a week I think taking diapers with your laundry
to the Laundromat once or twice a week would be a better option for
low income people. You can rinse them at home. I absolutely believe
using Flats is a great idea, I have called around and almost all the
daycare centers in our area will use cloth diapers, you must bring a
wet bag and several changes daily (1 diaper for every 2 hours they
are in the facility) and I would say that having flats in Pockets or
Gdiapers would be a very low cost way to put your daycare baby in
cloth during the day. Also at least in my area a week of daycare for
baby costs more than a part time job pays so maybe . I also think
that most people homeless or not are washing their clothing at least
once a week some place and they can easily take diapers with them to
the laundromat.
I have used a few different detergent
options this week, Tide, Ecosprout, Ecosprout with baking soda, Ivory
and ivory with baking soda. They all got the diapers clean but hand
washing in Tide should be done
with gloves because it was very
This exercise has taught
me that I could diaper in a situation that left us with out the use
of a washer, I live in Florida and we have terrible storms that can
knock power out for days. It is good to know that I can last a week
with flats and hand washing, I could do this while camping or on a
vacation where I may not have access to a washer.
I believe the following, Flat
diapers are a legitimate option for people who ant to cloth diaper,
they can be used to expand a stash or used while building a stash.
Some people use them exclusively because they can be easily washed
both in an automatic washer and by hand. I DO NOT think that hand
washing is a ligit option to use flats all the time and while it is
something that CAN be done if you cant get to a laundromat, it uses a
lot more water than a washer does and it is not as efficient. Hand
wash any diapers in an emergency situation is a great option and
using flats inside of pockets and with covers is a wonderful idea for
people who need to put babies in daycare and since they can be washed
easily and dried quickly it is a good option for people who dont have
a lot of money to buy a ton of diapers.
Day five, So far so good! Yesterday I thought we lost a poop some place due to a loose cover but after much searching, I decided that maybe baby just had
I love Fleece covers more than I has imagined I would I am busting out the Gerber cover today and a tshirt diaper
Since I usually hand wash on Fridays I took this opportunity to use some different folds and materials, Like Gerber plastic pants and tshirt diapers and receiving blankets. playing with detergent options too, I like some ivory soap flakes with baking soda!
Over nights are a cake walk because of Babykicks hemparoo receiving blanket! no leaks and it still could absorb way more liquid. We put it on at about 8pm and change at 7am so thats quite a stretch.
I have been using the two folds in the video the most I tried origami but it wasnt working on Baby Ray. I also have had one snappi bite on my thumb and that thing is like a land shark
I will be going to a Skate Party tonight with the oldest and using a FST with a hemp duz it all
and hoping baby doesnt unleash the cracken during the two hours we are there.
Today I am going to be hoping that my stuff outside gets mostly dry before it rains ar noon...Orlando
I am participating in the 4th Annual Flats and Handwashing challenge brought to you by Dirty Diaper Laundry. Diapering all Week in Flats and hand washing them! This challenge is ment to demonstrate that almost anyone can use cloth diapers. Follow with me here on TheRebecca Foundation blog or on my Youtube Channel!
My Wash is simple. I will show you in the video.
I again say I have Hard water here in Orlando and I dont get many bubbles, My soap is working my diapers are clean and smell like nothing when dry.
Also I have been Washing as I go for the most part and that really helps the covers are washed in the same way and also hung out to dry!
With airlines charging tons for checked luggage and space in your purse at a minimum here is how to pack for a full week with baby in flats and a few outfits. Remember you can Layer baby's look to bring even more stuff with you with out putting it in the bag!
Here is a video of Most of the Items I am using below is a list of the items I have and the cost I paid (some have cost to purchase along in () as most of the items I am using were not paid for by me)
5 Flour Sack Towel $4.88 Walmart
2 Receiving Blankets ,from hospital
1 Jersey Blanket ,donated to the foundation, if it works for us as a diaper it will be sanitized and loaned out
1 Hemp blanket from baby kicks, I got for reviewing the product ($12.65 value)
1 Duz it all hemp flat, Purchased with a gift card, ($5.15)
1 snappi, purchased with gift card, ($3 at most store)
Diaper pins that were from baby shower
t shirsts that were handed down
t shirts given to me as freebies
1 Bumkins cover, swag from the GCDC
1 Best Bottoms cover, won in a giveaway
1 bummis cover, freecycle
2 fleece covers, handed down home made
3 grovia covers, from freecycle
2 fleece liners ( came with babykicks pocet diapers)
1 baby kicks Premium pocket, given to me for a review (Stuffed with flats)
Handed down Gerber Flats
Handed Down Gerber Nylon Covers
1 Flip cover, won from Cottonbabies weekly twitter party.
I bar of Ivory soap ($.33)
I breathing w$10 out of pocket and would have paid less than$50 had I purchased the nesscities ( the FSTS a cover and the Washer, soap and snappi)
This week I will be taking the Flats Challenge, I will use only readily available materials that I made or got for free or cheap in local stores and friends to diaper Baby Ray until the 17th. I will also hand wash. Please follow me here and on the Foundation Blog If you are taking the challenge lets here from you in the comments!