Thursday, May 15, 2014

Flats and Hand Washing Day 5: Folds and experience with them so far.

Day five, So far so good! Yesterday I thought we lost a poop some place due to a loose cover but after much searching, I decided that maybe baby just had

I love Fleece covers more than I has imagined I would I am busting out the Gerber cover today and a tshirt diaper

Since I usually hand wash on Fridays I took this opportunity to use some different folds and materials, Like Gerber plastic pants and tshirt diapers and receiving blankets. playing with detergent options too, I like some ivory soap flakes with baking soda!

Over nights are a cake walk because of Babykicks hemparoo receiving blanket! no leaks and it still could absorb way more liquid. We put it on at about 8pm and change at 7am so thats quite a stretch.

I have been using the two folds in the video the most I tried origami but it wasnt working on Baby Ray. I also have had one snappi bite on my thumb and that thing is like a land shark

I will be going to a Skate Party tonight with the oldest and using a FST with a hemp duz it all
and hoping baby doesnt unleash the cracken during the two hours we are there.
Today I am going to be hoping that my stuff outside gets mostly dry before it rains ar noon...Orlando

If you want to see what others are doing (their folds might even have names!) feel free to clock the link and hop the blogs! DIRTY DIAPER LAUNDRY FLATS CHALLENGE DAY 5

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