"I'm Gonna Pop Some Tags, Only got $20 in my pocket..."
When I had Sam I was single, It isnt a lie that GOODWILL helps people in the community find jobs, they helped me find one that I worked in until my Mother took ill and I had to stay home with Baby. That isn't what this post is about though it is about the fact that Baby clothes can be EXPENSIVE!!! and they have the most limited shelf life of pretty much anything you can buy your baby. With Sam I had a HUGE baby shower, My Aunts all came! My Friends all came everyone brought presents and almost every gift included a Out fit for my sweet sonny boy. Women especially like to buy baby clothes because you can only buy them for your own babies for a few short months, I had so many outfits for my first child that I Handed Down and donated many outfits that had only been worn once, some with tags still attached that were never worn by Sammy at all. This time around the bump, I know better. Why am I going to go pay $30 for an outfit my child will wear one time or $20 for a PJ that he is gonna wear for a moth or two? I instead got wise and Hit the Clearance rack... then I got really smart and hit the thrift store! I have been buying BRAND NEW WITH TAGS! Overstock baby clothes from Goodwill for as little as $0.75 each and as much as ...$1.49, yes that is right I haven't paid more than a fiver for a trips worth of baby clothes! Here is a Cater's Child of Mine brand Fleece footed pajamas that retail at the department store costs $16.99 I got it for $0.75 cent as it was the "Color of the week" and there for Half off! this outfit had the tags on it and Is very very soft!

I have purchased quite a few NEW and like new baby gowns (i love baby nightgowns) for this price they are all Carters or Target Circo brand and the savings doesn't stop there I plan on taking my Gently used items to the Consignment retailer ONCE UPON A CHILD to get store credit to buy MORE Clothes for baby once he Grows out of the ones I have now. I have mentioned that I checked out the Clearance racks at Target and Walmart then I saw the exact same outfits a week or so later at the Thrift store! I found the Black Onesie here on the surplus rack for $0.99 I looked it up on Target website for $4.25 a day later. I saved more than 75% I have also gotten fancy outfits Holiday clothes and other amazingly cute clothing items for cents on the dollar. I am sure that I will continue to be wise and shop for baby clothes and kids cloths for very low prices. I have also found some awesome deals on Clothes for myself! I got a $40 pair of Maternity shorts at Kohl's, the same day I hit the Goodwill and found the SAME EXACT SHORTS for $2.49 I wanted to slap myself for not shopping in the opposite order! I have gotten; NEW SHOES, skirts, shirts, and home decoration, craft items Knee socks to make legwarmers for baby, Items for my sons 1st grade class, storage containers and halloween costumes all for less than a few dollars a piece! I have seen the light and it was coming from the thrift store. You can also fell good because the money you spend at goodwill is helping to fund job access to people in your community. Dont waste money on stuff you snuggle baby is only going to wear once or twice, I also think that buying used keeps stuff out of land fills and causes less production and waste. you can resell or donate the stuff after you use it and the best part is its like a treasure hunt! you never know what Gems you will find hiding out with Gramp Pas hand me downs...here are some of mine!

from top to bottom; Circo onesie(.99), christmas outfit with hat(1.48) WHite shirt I tie dyed old navy brand (.79) Nautical onesie(.99) "Cowboy" shirt (.75) I have literally three times this these were just the cutest ones!
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