
I am currently 20 weeks pregnant for the second time around. My Older Son is currently 7, This is my Husbands first baby. He is a wonderful father figure to Our son, whose biological father is absent. I am shocked at how different my pregnancy is this time around. When I was pregnant with Big Brother I was 21, single, a smoker, living with my Mother (whom had just the beginning phases of chronic auto-immune illness) and VERY VERY STRESSED! It is now no surprize that my Blood Pressure was high and my anxiety disorder was spiraling out of control and I was hospitalized three times before my third trimester I gained 60lbs and lost little of it over the last 7 years. I had to have a C-section at 36 weeks for my own health and the health of my baby. This time I haven't even had morning sickness, I was terribly fatigued in my first three months and recently I have had some gas pains but other than that I am having a picture perfect pregnancy. I lost 15lbs in the first few weeks, I have currently only gained back around 4 or 5. I feel vibrant and full of life, I am like a magical pregnancy Unicorn!\

A little Backstory on my marriage, I met my husband a few days after I turned 16, he went to a different high school than I did and we met at a teen night at the country and western bar downtown, we dated and lived together for 3 years after that and broke up at 19. We got back together about 5 years later and got married in 2010. We started trying for another Baby immediately and 3 years later (after drinking a lot of ACV and eating a bunch of pink grapefruits) we are expecting a bouncing baby boy in late September. I am very very excited to start this new adventure I am much more "crunchy" this time around. We are going to Breastfeed, Cloth Diaper, Baby Wear and are looking forward to trying some other "Hippie stuff" I will be very interested to see how different my boys are, my older son is ecstatic he is having a brother and not a sister, even though I assured him little girls can go fishin' and play video games too. I also plan on documenting some of the pregnancy and "Crunchy" parts of parenting a second child with a lovely man that has already shown him self to be a loving and capable Father but is honestly clueless about Baby. Since we are going to have another Cesarean Section (it is medically necessary and I am not very happy about it) My husband is not taking Lamaze Classes, since he has raised a child from a toddler (really since I had a baby before) I am not freaking out about every little thing and neither is he. I am frugal and frequent Freecycle and Craigslist so I have gotten just about everything we need at little or no cost, the man doesn't know how lucky he is, I havent had very many mood swings or hormonal freak outs yet, I also am a SAHM so he wont be doing much heavy lifting as far as Mr. Baby is concerned. I cant wait to witness the joy of babyhood again Join me on this journey!!!

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