I saw a great Meme before I had the baby
One that perfectly described my diaper stash
True! in fact the only sorta diaper I dont have for Baby Ray is a contour diaper, I just nevbiger have been given them any place nor have I received one for the Foundation so far so I havent actually encountered one!

So with a magical amount of Beautiful diapers I ventured into the world of CLoth diapering and I was so so excited to do so I brought my two nb covers and a couple different kinds of Once size pockets with me to the hospital, I before mentioned my Husband is a large man, and he was 14 lbs at birth, It was estimated that Baby Ray would weigh about 10 lbs (I imagined 9lbs at the least) so Imagine our shock and surprize when we had a healthy but normal 8lb Newborn The NB covers fit great, as do the Grovia shells that use hook and loop. I used Flats on the day I brought home baby... they were trim, I was worried about a floppy new born in a tight car seat with a puffed up booty! I havent used many disposables at all (In fact I took back the ones I got at the shower and got store credit!) Most One size diapers don't fit him well in the legs and the take him over! I have 6 Older Style Fuzzibunz that Look and fit him very very well and they are very cut,e as are the 6 Moraki and our LONELY Best Bottoms Shell which truely will fit a newborn! none of these are super fluffy. I was so so Excited Last week when my cousin pointed out that his Bumgenius diapers would fit him now! they did fit and he looks really cute. the are a little puffy and super Cute.... but here is the thing I forgot about newborns after 8 years with out a new born. THEY POOP ALL THE TIME! Ray Poops when I feed him, He poops when he is done eating, he poops when he sleeps, he poops right after I change his poop and twice he has pooped while I am changing his poop! Well the Point here is that all the pretty fluffy diapers are on his butt for about 20 mins or at the most an hour he pees a lot at night and sleeps for a few hours so there is a brief period where his most attractive diapers get to be worn for a good stretch under him night night clothes where no one can see them!
You know what works best, the only Diapers I have Paid for! THe flour sack Towels I purchased from Walmart for emergencies, washer dies, power outage zombie apocalypse! WELL I have Pad folded, kite folded, Origami folded and as of yesterday folded them in a big fat triangle the way my Mother in law did them on my Husband! I have used all the super cute Diaper Pins my Father In Law got me with Monkeys and frogs and bananas on them! I even tried snappi baby diaper closers and I couldn't get them to grip the FLour sacks but I tried them!

I can actually use one or two diaper covers all day with the flats
The Flats are easy to wash
the flats dry quickly on the rack in the sun or in the dryer
The Flats go in the flats go out
The sun bleaches the flats poops stains out (in like 20 mins I tell you!)
I love my Best bottoms shell, and the grovia shells and the thirsties cover and I dont like the prorap NB cover but I do love the one I won from Zookaboo ( which was Raylan's first real diaper)
I cant wait until I can get him to wear cute OS diapers long enough to show people how cute and easy cloth is, I personally think the flats are super easy but people get all freaked out by them for some reason.
I am freaking out too, over how much I love flats. They will alway be the diapers I wore the diapers Hubs wore and the first diapers our baby wore!
I plan on keeping them in the rotation as long as I can, If I need to buy more they are $5 for 5 and I worth so so much more!
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