Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Welcome Crunchy Baby

      I became a Mother 8 years ago at 21 as the result of a rebound relationship and decided to have a baby on my own. I lived with my Mother and Father. I took all the hand me downs and advice I was given. I was very stressed out and unhealthy. I had a Csection, I gave up breastfeeding at the first sign of trouble the words Cloth diapers never crossed my mind. I was a child and a parent all at the same time. My Parents were taking care of me as my Mother fell chronically ill and I was also taking care of her. WE all took care of the baby and a lot of the way my first son was raised for the first 4 years were a group effort.

Here is a quick Backstory on my Marriage. When I was 16 I met a boy during teen night. First Love YOung love but we were together until we were both 19 and had a falling out. After graduation we lived together and never used birth control we never got pregnant. so fast forward 5 years and we rekindled our romance, Aaron became an instant father to my fatherless son, my then three year olds first declaration to the Man my whole family adored was, "Hi, I love you!" and their relationship went from there.

     My husband was the first person I was ever intimate with and after my high school graduation and in the time since we had gotten back together we never used any kind of birth control, It was massively shocking to us that despite our best efforts (hubba hubba) we were unable to conceive! We are a single income family and we don't have coverage for fertility treatments so the question of why we werent was never addressed, we just kept trying and every month for years our hope for a baby became less reality and more fantasy.
     In the mean time I took a "if you build it they will come attitude" I never actually thought we would have a baby but I became obsessed with cloth diapers and online giveaways for baby stuff. Before we conceived I had won lots baby related prizes including cloth diapers, detergents and some odds and ends for our older son! I just kept getting things but never though I would get to use them and then last year I decided to stop hoping for baby to come. I started getting fit Biking with Our Son to school, eating more healthily, and Drinking a tbs of apple cider vinegar everyday to stabilize my blood sugar and balance my PH for clear skin, I also heard it helps you loose weight. I also heard it can help you get pregnant so in december after a party for my sister in law after drinking a gallon of ACV, after amassing a baby stash for a baby that would never come after making the new years resolution for 2013 to loose 20lbs I found out that Our dream baby was coming I still dont believe it happened

ON September 28th after Walking, having sex, eating jalapeno peppers and taking a shot of castor oil (I do not suggest this unless you know you are scheduled for a csection it causes Irregular and intense contractions and using this wives tale for induction almost always results in a cesarean because the cervix dosent always dilate, mine did but I was scheduled for a repeat section so when I got to the hospital I was intaked for surgery )

SO HERE WE ARE! After 13 years of love a baby of our very own! We are cloth diapering
, in fact until the day we came home from the hospital I never accepted the fact that were actually having him! Yes Him!
breast feeding and despite baby's initial reaction of HATING THE WRAP CARRIER!  baby wearing!

Join me on Our journey with a second baby, I am so so much different than I was at 21 and I cant wait to see what happens with this fugal and crunchy lifestyle!

Love Lovely Mrs Long
and the Crunchy baby!

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