Tuesday, July 1, 2014

BabyKIcks Swim Diapers or Why you dont need to rewash disposable swim diapers

Recently I was Looking at some fun summer blog posts about summer attire for infants and I ran across an article on how you can wash disposable swim diapers. My first thought was, "that is ridiculous" Washing them defeats the purpose of them being disposable in the first place! I couldnt understand why someone would want to do that and so I asked. I was told by a friend that the sposie swimmers are very expensive for a package and the goal is to only buy one package to last a long time, I can understand that but I cant understand reusing something that isnt meant to be reused. In the same vein as disposable food packages and water bottles washing and reusing an item made of disposable material might be a bad idea. You can not be sure that the chemicals and plastics used to make a disposable item will not begin to breakdown when exposed to the violent agitation in a washer or the cleaning agents in detergent.
 I had my second baby last Autumn and only just started needing a swim option this month so I got  a Babykicks Swimmer it cost less than a large package of Swim diapers (Its $13.95 at BabyKicks Website)
There are 4 sizes of Babykicks Swim Diapers

available. The size I got was large (which starts at 21lbs but My baby is nearly 20lbs so I decided that size would work best for us) The diaper is very attractive with a Gender Neutral print that has cute crabs, live preservers, light houses,fish and anchors on it. I love that it can be easily pulled on or unsnapped at the side in case of a big poo mess.
The first time I took baby in the pool we used a regular diaper with ot and insert and it was difficult to put on him at the pool, the babyKicks swimmer was very easy to pull on and take off after we were done.
On the way to the pool we put a babyicks doubler in the swimmer to absorb and peepee that happened before getting in the water. Once baby is in the water swim diapers disposable or otherwise DO NOT CONTAIN URINE, I my experience with disposable swimmers and my first child they didn't even absorb urine before hitting the water. I saw that baby did pee when we were trying on the Babykicks Anchors away Swim diaper upon its arrival and it was contained by the swimmer, while baby modeled the diaper and I took a photo.!My baby did Poop while at the splash park and I didn't realize he did until we went to change. I simple undid the side snaps and changed him. the poop was easily rinsed out of the mesh interior and he could have put it back on to play more. The babykicks Simmer was less bulky than I remember the Disposables being and I really like the sift elastic that didn't leave marks on my baby the way disposable swimmer can tend to do.
Over all I am happy with the way the swim diaper from Baby kicks is preforming for us. I am nopt worried about washing it because unlike its disposable counterparts it is meant to be washed. I intend on using it for this and next summer as long as it fits him we will also try it when we get to potty learning. Its pull up design and water proof cover will make a great addition to our training pants collection!
I would suggest this as an affordable option to people in the summer who want a cute water diapering option!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Side Snapping Fun in Premium Pocket Babykicks.

My Child can now Crawl! I love this mile stone in our lives, my oldest never really crawled he dragged him self along for a week or so then moved right into walking. I though baby Ray would skip it because he has been deploying strategic rolling maneuvers for about a month, but he slowly is starting to crawl and romp around the house wreaking havoc on the appliances and cats! Boy oh boy, I have been having a heck of a time with his hook and loop diapers catching on the carpet and toys and I even have been having some issues with his front snap pockets. I didnt know what the heck to do! Then I got this lovely Premium pocket diaper from BabyKicks  to review! I already knew how awesome BabyKicks premium pockets were (after all I have had a couple since baby was really little) and I love me some Organic hemp! I am just shocked at how much better the side snaps fit Ray and how esily he can move around in them.
I have been using BabyKicks inserts and Hemparoo blankets as flats and using the Side snapping pocket as a cover and an AI2, I love the fact that the diaper is so versatile and comes with a fleece stay dry liner!
Ray is currently on the second setting so the tabs over lap creating extra leak protection for my little mover and great coverage for a tummy sleeper!
I took Ray to the skating rink, dressed in Babykicks Premium pocket side snapping diaper with flats the week of the flats challenge and was not worried about leaking at all!

I am very happy to have a side snapping diaper on my little guy the air gussets
let him move freely and he couldn't be happier in that beautiful True Red!
All of Baby Kicks diapers have side snaps and are available for purchase on their site
I was given the diaper shown to review all opinions are my own

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Flats Day 7: I have a cold! Plus My experience and last word about the Flats and Handwashing challenge

I will be so happy to use our regular pockets and AIOs again... I feel like singing "Let it Go!"

Here I am looking awesome because I am tired and have a cold. I am nursing the baby in this video and that's whats up! Suffice it to say I am glad to have participated but glad its over too!

Bottom line, if I needed to I would hand wash but using the washer is a better option even if I had to pay a $1 every few days and hang them to dry . I think this has turned me off flats for a while (because i miss my pretty diapers) and I will have to check but I think I used more water handwashing.If I didnt have a washer or if the power was out, I would hand wash at home. It wasnt hard to do. I will do it again. I will continue to say "please try flats they are easy to use and wash."

DAY 7 Link up

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 6: Open Topic, Why I think this is and isnt an option for low income families

`      Both of my kids are sick today so I have No video on this, Day 6 of the challenge. I do however have a brief list of pros and cons, and reasons I do and do not think that  hand washing are a good choice for low income families.
        First let me start by saying my family is single income, low income. We have made sacrifices for me to stay home with baby because I believe my children need me at home, it is best for our family. We financially qualify for many assistance programs including The Rebecca Foundation Cloth Diaper Closet which operates at 0 cost to its clients. We don't participate in all these programs but we do qualify. We used our tax return to get a top load Amana washer and when we had baby, a friend gave me diapers, I got diapers on free-cycle and I have won about 25 diapers in giveaways. I actually had to buy flat diapers to try them and have not purchased many diapers besides those, and I usually hand wash once a week while I have the pockets and AIO diapers in the washer, I like everything to be clean for the weekend!
Taking my financial and diaper situations, into account I can honestly say that I dont think HANDWASHING flats is a legitimate option for families in my situation. Our washer uses by far less water than I have used this week and I wash twice a week I think taking diapers with your laundry to the Laundromat once or twice a week would be a better option for low income people. You can rinse them at home. I absolutely believe using Flats is a great idea, I have called around and almost all the daycare centers in our area will use cloth diapers, you must bring a wet bag and several changes daily (1 diaper for every 2 hours they are in the facility) and I would say that having flats in Pockets or Gdiapers would be a very low cost way to put your daycare baby in cloth during the day. Also at least in my area a week of daycare for baby costs more than a part time job pays so maybe . I also think that most people homeless or not are washing their clothing at least once a week some place and they can easily take diapers with them to the laundromat.
       I have used a few different detergent options this week, Tide, Ecosprout, Ecosprout with baking soda, Ivory and ivory with baking soda. They all got the diapers clean but hand washing in Tide should be done
 with gloves because it was very abrasive.
          This exercise has taught me that I could diaper in a situation that left us with out the use of a washer, I live in Florida and we have terrible storms that can knock power out for days. It is good to know that I can last a week with flats and hand washing, I could do this while camping or on a vacation where I may not have access to a washer.

          I believe the following, Flat diapers are a legitimate option for people who ant to cloth diaper, they can be used to expand a stash or used while building a stash. Some people use them exclusively because they can be easily washed both in an automatic washer and by hand. I DO NOT think that hand washing is a ligit option to use flats all the time and while it is something that CAN be done if you cant get to a laundromat, it uses a lot more water than a washer does and it is not as efficient. Hand wash any diapers in an emergency situation is a great option and using flats inside of pockets and with covers is a wonderful idea for people who need to put babies in daycare and since they can be washed easily and dried quickly it is a good option for people who dont have a lot of money to buy a ton of diapers.

What are Others talking about Please follow the link here!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Flats and Hand Washing Day 5: Folds and experience with them so far.

Day five, So far so good! Yesterday I thought we lost a poop some place due to a loose cover but after much searching, I decided that maybe baby just had gas...lol

I love Fleece covers more than I has imagined I would I am busting out the Gerber cover today and a tshirt diaper

Since I usually hand wash on Fridays I took this opportunity to use some different folds and materials, Like Gerber plastic pants and tshirt diapers and receiving blankets. playing with detergent options too, I like some ivory soap flakes with baking soda!

Over nights are a cake walk because of Babykicks hemparoo receiving blanket! no leaks and it still could absorb way more liquid. We put it on at about 8pm and change at 7am so thats quite a stretch.

I have been using the two folds in the video the most I tried origami but it wasnt working on Baby Ray. I also have had one snappi bite on my thumb and that thing is like a land shark

I will be going to a Skate Party tonight with the oldest and using a FST with a hemp duz it all
and hoping baby doesnt unleash the cracken during the two hours we are there.
Today I am going to be hoping that my stuff outside gets mostly dry before it rains ar noon...Orlando

If you want to see what others are doing (their folds might even have names!) feel free to clock the link and hop the blogs! DIRTY DIAPER LAUNDRY FLATS CHALLENGE DAY 5

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day Four: What is Your Wash Routine?

I am participating in the 4th Annual Flats and Handwashing challenge brought to you by Dirty Diaper Laundry. Diapering all Week in Flats and hand washing them! This challenge is ment to demonstrate that almost anyone can use cloth diapers. Follow with me here on TheRebecca Foundation blog or on my Youtube Channel! 

My Wash is simple. I will show you in the video.
I again say I have Hard water here in Orlando and I dont get many bubbles, My soap is working my diapers are clean and smell like nothing when dry.
Also I have been Washing as I go for the most part and that really helps the covers are washed in the same way and also hung out to dry!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day Three Flats Challenge: Open topic, What is in the Bag

With airlines charging tons for checked luggage and space in your purse at a minimum here is how to pack for a full week with baby in flats and a few outfits. Remember you can Layer baby's look to bring even more stuff with you with out putting it in the bag!

This was taken with my phone, excuse the quality!

Explore others Open Topics for Day Three below 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Flats and Hand Washing: what I am using and how much it costs

Here is a video of Most of the Items I am using below is a list of the items I have and the cost I paid (some have cost to purchase along in () as most of the items I am using were not paid for by me)

5 Flour Sack Towel $4.88 Walmart
2 Receiving Blankets ,from hospital
1 Jersey Blanket ,donated to the foundation, if it works for us as a diaper it will be sanitized and loaned out
1 Hemp blanket from baby kicks, I got for reviewing the product ($12.65 value)
1 Duz it all hemp flat, Purchased with a gift card, ($5.15)
1 snappi, purchased with gift card, ($3 at most store)
Diaper pins that were from baby shower
t shirsts that were handed down
t shirts given to me as freebies
1 Bumkins cover, swag from the GCDC
1 Best Bottoms cover, won in a giveaway
1 bummis cover, freecycle
2 fleece covers, handed down home made
3 grovia covers, from freecycle
2 fleece liners ( came with babykicks pocet diapers)
1 baby kicks Premium pocket, given to me for a review (Stuffed with flats)
Handed down Gerber Flats
Handed Down Gerber Nylon Covers
1 Flip cover, won from Cottonbabies weekly twitter party.
I bar of Ivory soap ($.33)
I breathing w$10 out of pocket and would have paid less than$50 had I purchased the nesscities ( the FSTS a cover and the Washer, soap and snappi)

What are others using? check it out DAY 2 LINKS

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why do the Flats and Hand Washing Challenge?

This week I will be taking the Flats Challenge, I will use only readily available materials that I made or got for free or cheap in local stores and friends to diaper Baby Ray until the 17th. I will also hand wash. Please follow me here and on the Foundation Blog If you are taking the challenge lets here from you in the comments! 

Asked and answered!

What is all this about? Who Else is Participating? Follow this link
The 2014 Flats and Hand washing Challenge

Monday, April 7, 2014

Fun for free! utilizing your local library for entertainment.

          Spring is happening, it is happening all around and you are going to have school aged children in your homes. If you are like most of America this year then your weather leaves a lot to be desired. During Orange Co. Florida's spring break we had;  2 rainy day, 2 cold days and a dentist appointment, I know it wasn't weather related but yuck!
What is a mother to do with children cooped up in the house, for a week?
Well, pull out your library card of course!
         Your local library is likely a treasure trove of free entertainment for not only your children but also yourselves and your partners. Orange County Library system is an amazing resource not only for education but also for entertainment. Our local branch, and the other around town offer books for adults and children both in print and available for e readers like Kindle and IPAD.  Never discount the entertainment value of reading to your children, with your children. My 8 year old son Samuel and I have read several books together and we are about to embark upon the Harry Potter series. Remember that if you lived but a few decades ago reading would have been a primary source of prime time fun. If you don't have time to read with your kids, and sometimes I don't have time to read with Sam every day, for those times and for the times I don't have time to read to myself, I utilize audio books.
     Audio books come in several different formats, I prefer the mp3 cds and downloadables that I can put on my mp3 players . My library system used Overdrive and Hoopla, these are easy to use and comparable on lots of devices.  CD versions of most popular fiction titles are available, We like to put cd books on in our car during commute, my children have a video game console they however do not have hand held devices and I have a smart phone but I do not have a hand held device. I feel that kids (including my own) are too plugged in and these tech toys come with a price tag as well. Unplugging and doing some good old fashion story telling is good for young minds and Mom's wallet!
     There are lots of fun classes and activities to be had at NO COST at libraries as many computer software courses, cooking classes and other practical education courses are available for children and adults. Gymboree is $65 a month for children's music time. Every Tuesday there are children's time classes at our library. Over the summer each year for the last few years I have taken Sam to the summer programs at the library, we have seen Polynesian dancers, live wild life exhibits and fire service demonstrations these have been invaluable experiences for my family and we will continue to take advantage of the classes and activities offered.

     I have a 6 month old now, and my husband and I used to go out to the movies but I am not the type to take baby with us to see The Hobbit, so DVD rental is how we experience movies. locally we can check out a large assortment of movies and television series on dvd from our library system.  Many of the current DVD releases are added to our selection weekly. We also have forgone having cable for this reason, along with a Netflix subscription not having cable in our house has saved us a ton of money. Most of the shows we like come on network tv or are available on the internet so we can wait to see other premium shows until the next day or the next season. Since most people DVR popular  shows for later in the week we rarely have a spoiler and we are watching the same things as everyone else for a fraction of the cost. In addition most libraries offer WiFi for lap tops and internet accessible computers so you can enter giveaways, keep up with blogs and use downloadable media even if you don't have computer access at your own home!
        In closing you see keeping up with entertainment can be super cheap and in most cases free with a library card! I take my kids to classes, keep up with popular fiction on the go thank to mp3 downloads, and have really cut down on cable for way less than most families, and all it takes is a trip to your library!
    I look forward to exploring more ways to save with the family in the future!

Jessica Long

Photos are of of library programs offered to this summer at Orange County Library system

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

With Solid food come solid reasons to switch to cloth wipes

       Several months ago when I was just starting with the cloth diapers, I stated that I hated cloth wipes. Well that was before,  before the scary articles on the junk in disposable wipes, before I tried some DIY formulas for wipe solution and most importantly, before I tried Premium Washies by Babykicks for hemp wipes, as well as several other kinds of wipes! It was also before we started Baby Ray on Solid foods, You Live you Learn and then you switch to cloth wipes!

    Let me start by saying I really wanted to like Cloth wipes to start with. I just couldn't figure it out I guess. I knew I didn't like the smell of the sposie wipes and then all the article about the terrible stuff in them, a  preservative called methylisothiazolinone, started and I  got freaked and I began trying different stuff.
      I used wipe cubes and wet the wipes as I went along and did NOT like them at all. The wipes were not wet enough and the little cubes were online ordered and expensive for me to buy. I then tried something simple. 6-8 oz of water a squirt of soap and a squirt of lotion shake shake shake! Then I pour the mixture in the wipe container over 10 or so wipes this really helped a lot but the wipes that I was using were not my or my husbands favorite option.
       I really liked the idea of using the baby wash cloths for wipes, I got a ton from our baby shower, but  they just dont work for us all the time. I did make some wipes my self w flannel but I dont have time to make more and I couldnt get the size right. Then BabyKicks sent me some Premium washies for review, not only do I love the Premium Washies better than the wash cloths for bath time but I also like them better as wipes. Several WAHM wipes have been added to my stack (flannel and almost too cute for poo) I have Bummas wipes that are excellent as well. Thirsties also makes a wonderful thick and soft wipe that is perfect for travel, Fab wipes are by far the best wipe for the price and Can be Found at retailers online and their website THIRSTIES.com
       My son started Solids last week and that doo doo immediately became more than the sposie wipes I have can handle,  however Cloth wipes are thicker and softer than spoise wipes, but substantial enough to take care of this new thicker first foods stage poo. The BabyKicks Premium washies are made in a mitt design for easy baby washing and poo free wipings!
      Thirsties wipes and the Baby washcloths are best for on the go (great when accordion folded, pre-moistened and put in a popup wipe container too) I think a great idea for those of you who need something fast or super cheap, cutting up some Tshirts or flannel and stitching them together, I just zig zag stitched around the edges. There is always the baby washcloths wipes to go.(I wet mine and put them in an empty sposie wipe travel case) that way if baby poops on the go, Like mine did yesterday you can take care of it quickly with one wipe! I have some sposie wipes sill and because of that preservative they will probably keep for a while,good thing bacause I dont think I will use them for my baby, maybe I can use them to dust with...ha ha ha !

Premium Washie being used for bathtime, no booty wiping photos were taken for this review...lol

Jessica Long

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I was Wrong about cloth wipes, SHHH dont tell anyone I was wrong!!!

       Several months ago when I was just starting with the cloth diapers, I stated that I hated cloth wipes. Well that was before,  before the scary articles on the junk in disposable wipes, before I tried some DIY formulas for wipe solution and most importantly, before I tried Premium Washies by Babykicks for hemp wipes, as well as several other kinds of wipes! It was also before we started Baby Ray on Solid foods, You Live you Learn and then you switch to cloth wipes!
    Let me start by saying I really wanted to like Cloth wipes to start with. I just couldn't figure it out I guess. I knew I didn't like the smell of the sposie wipes and then all the article about the terrible stuff in them, a  preservative called methylisothiazolinone, started and I  got freaked and I began trying different stuff.
      I used wipe cubes and wet the wipes as I went along and did NOT like them at all. The wipes were not wet enough and the little cubes were online ordered and expensive for me to buy. I then tried something simple. 6-8 oz of water a squirt of soap and a squirt of lotion shake shake shake! Then I pour the mixture in the wipe container over 10 or so wipes this really helped a lot but the wipes that I was using were not my or my husbands favorite option.
       I really liked the idea of using the baby wash cloths for wipes, I got a ton from our baby shower, but  they just dont work for us all the time. I did make some wipes my self w flannel but I dont have time to make more and I couldnt get the size right. Then BabyKicks sent me some Premium washies for review, not only do I love the Premium Washies better than the wash cloths for bath time but I also like them better as wipes.
       My son started Solids last week and that doo doo immediately became more than the sposie wipes I have can handle, it was more than a baby wash cloth can handle, even with my awesome homemade wipes wash. BabyKicks premium Washies however are thicker and softer than the terry cloth baby wash cloths. The Premium Washie is made of a fluffy Hemp and cotton blend and is super absorbent and soft but substantial enough to take care of this new thicker first foods stage poo. They are made in a mitt design for easy baby washing and poo free wipings!
      I also have revisited using the baby washcloths (great when accordion folded, pre-moistened and put in a popup wipe container) I think a great idea for those of you who need something fast or super cheap, cutting up some Tshirts and stitching them together could work too and there is always the baby washcloths. I think the Premium washies are the best options for us and I suggest buying some Washies or Premium Washies from BabyKicks to take with you (I wet mine and put them in an old sposie wipe travel case) that way if baby poops on the go, Like mine did yesterday you can take care of it quickly with one wipe! I have some sposie wipes sill and because of that preservative they will probably keep for a while,good thing bacause I dont think I will use them for my baby, maybe I can use them to dust with...ha ha ha !

buy Babykicks premium washies This link or participating retailers
Premium Washie being used for bathtime... all its friends are booty wipes

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Rebecca Foundation Sponsor Highlight: Kanga Care

Today I would like to tell you about a wonderful retailer and sponsor of The Rebecca Foundation Cloth Diaper Closet, Kanga Care. They offer a wide variety of baby items including gorgeous blankets, high quality diapers and accessories, all are available at  Kanga-Care.com  or at retailer near you.

The folks at Kanga Care make some of the most beautiful diapers, I mean, just look at these Diapers...
These are Rumparooz,  Beautiful Vibrant colors and HAWT prints! I especially LOVE the Black and White and Red, the name of that Print is Dexter, I really want that one most of all!  I think all the Rumparooz prints are AMAZING As are the 12 Vibrant colors they also are made in. Kanga Care makes Rumparooz (pictured) and they also make diapers from recycled materials called Eco Posh. Kanga Care has won Multiple Awards for their innovative modern cloth diaper design and performance. 

Kanga Care is also the maker of Lil Joey diapers. Lil' Joey diapers are regarded in the diapering community are the best, most recommended newborn diapers on the market. Lil' Joeys are small enough to fit almost any size or shaped newborn baby, there are even sizes for very small and Preemies, so you can start even tiny babies in cloth from day one! Lil Joey diapers even have a snap down rise for the umbilical area.

       Kanga Care is a big supporter of The Great Cloth Diaper Change for which The Rebecca Foundation will be hosting and participating at several locations across the US. You can get this Cute Romper from Kanga care to put on Baby to wear after the event.

  On top of all the Cloth advocacy, and wonderful products they have to offer Kanga Care also has supported  The Rebecca Foundation by donating cloth diapers and accessories for our families on the loan program. I encourage you to purchase from Kanga Care and follow them on social media to stay current on everything this amazing company is offering in the world of cloth!

Kanga Care Facebook

Kanga Care Twitter 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sponsor Highlight: Thirsties Modern Cloth Diapers

I would Love to introduce you to Thirsties Diapers!

Thirsties are amazing. I have Thirsties brand diapers in my own home and I absolutely Love them. Thirsties makes high quality, great valued diapers right here in the USA!

 "The mission of Thirsties, Inc. is to make it easy and affordable for every family to choose cloth while simultaneously investing in our local economy and sustainable business practices.

              I can personally tell you their products are cute and affordable I brought my youngest son home from hospital in a Thirsties  duo hemp pre-fold and Diaper Cover. Thirsties cloth diapers come in a wide range of Colors prints and styles, Most Thirsties products come in two sizes and they also make covers in several sizes so that every little bottom fits just right in a Thirsties. I have tried a few of the great products Thirsties offers and they  reliable, seem comfortable and are both affordable and easy to use. Thirsties Duo Wraps are my favorite covers. They also make sized covers that fit  even tiny newborn babies. Thirsties also has a wide variety of cloth diapering accessories including Wet bagsCloth Wipes , Booty Luster, and  Booty Love .

This wonderful award winning company  Not only makes quality products they also offer stories and advice and giveaways on their blog

Thanks to Thirsties for such a wonderful product line and thanks to them because they are also a  sponsor of The Rebecca Foundation   Please look for Thirsties at  a retailer near you

Visit their site for more details on their products

Thirsties Web Site

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The gift of receiving

Receiving blankets,
    Everyone gets these blankets both at a baby shower or for gifts and even when they go to the hospital to have the baby. It's that blanket, The Blanket, The one with the blue and pink stripes, the one of they bring you your bundle of joy wrapped in. Its the blanket every baby who's ever been born in a hospital is wrapped in! If you're like me you brought home five of these blankets from hospital, I was encouraged to bring them home by the staff.  What the heck do you do with all those blankets after your blanket is no longer big enough to wrap baby in?  Here's what you do,  put it on there butt! Yes you can Use any receiving blanket as a flat diaper. I an amazing organic cotton and hemp blanket from Babykicks for this review. I couldn't believe how fast my baby grew he's already too big to wrap in the soft made in the USA hempy goodness that is the BabyKicks brand signature this truly is an everything blanket, I this blanket to cover Baby Up in his carseat when even Orlando was Enveloped in the Polar Vortex of last week, (Remember Jackets and Carseats are a NO NO!) I used it as an ultra absorbent burp cloth, and after the weather turns back to sunny side up in the Sunshine State I will be using it as a flat diaper for overnight, I spilt a whole glass of water on that think and it sucked up the whole thing! I also Love that this blanket and other blankets are very very affordable alternative to buying high priced Flat diapers that are sometimes thin and wear quickly. Getting a couple One size covers ( around $15 each) and using Receiving blankets as flats really quick allows you to JUMP fully into cloth diapering while possibly building a stash of more expensive "fancy" diapers, although diapering with just receiving blankets makes for easy diapering! you can easily wash diapers using the method of a camp style washer or in a bucket or sink. I would imagine two BabyKicks Hemp Receiving Blankets and a pile you bring home from your baby shower and the hospital would make GREAT Travel diapers!
I was sent a babykicks blanket to facilitate a review but you can Buy one on their website BABYKICKS WEBSITE